Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Through the Darkness of The Human Heart. a Light, a Light

I am picking up my Holocaust Plays again to work on. Doing research about the Goebbels children makes me sick to my stomach. This is truly one of the darkest periods in humanity--and it's hard not to be affected by it. I don't want to see the day I am not affected by it. It's hard to not get sucked in and get depressed about it all.

But these plays--they must see the light of day. One part of it has stuck with me since Spring 2001 and the other, since 2008. I have only recently figured out how things are supposed to work together, and this is good.

And scary.

This week marks the last week of THE ARTIST'S WAY for me. I finished my notes on it yesterday and just have four days left of my writing to do.

It's strange, I really didn't think it was going to work for me. I thought it would be a little too mystical and foo-foo for me (yes, even for me!), but I stuck through it, even when I didn't want to, and I have come out on the other side of the 12 weeks stronger creatively. I am not writing as often as I was prior to my creative collapse last fall, but I'm coming around. And the ideas are coming like crazy!

And THE ARTIST'S WAY gave me a good push in a different direction for my whole life. I am starting a new day job next week, and I wouldn't have had the courage to even think about seriously getting another job, let alone actually rock the interview like I did. I am very excited about this opportunity, and I am looking forward to working there.

So yeah, I am definitely grateful that I bought a copy of THE ARTIST'S WAY in a second hand store ages and ages ago. Clearly I was meant to have it come back into my life at the right time.

So what does this have to do with my Holocaust Plays (jeez, I need to think of a better title)? My research into the Holocaust has shown me the darkest of the human heart, but also a light through it. The main characters in both plays are these lights through the whole thing. And it reminds me of my journey through my depression to where I am today. Without THE ARTIST'S WAY, I wouldn't have had the courage to try and get these plays to see the light of day. Without THE ARTIST'S WAY, I wouldn't have been prepared to face this work--it is hard work.

I am so looking forward to seeing what comes of these plays and what comes when I share THE ARTIST'S WAY with one of my friends I feel needs it.

Things are not perfect in my writing world, but it's definitely where it should be. And it's getting better all the time.

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