Saturday, December 17, 2011

Deus Ex Machina needed

So, I have been working on A DEATH IN THE FAMILY for what feels like forever. If I am going to submit it to Last Frontier, I need to get the darn thing done SOON. So I have been working on it feverishly. Last night I realized that something very important in the script that a large portion of it hangs on doesn't make a damn bit of sense.

This resulted in a small freak out at Panera last night. Bill suggested NINJAS. I guess Ninjas are the new Deus Ex Machina.

I actually think that I might have fixed it. I will have to go back and look. So far, of everyone who has read it, NO ONE caught it. I don't know if anyone would catch it (they will now, now that they know what to look for). So I wonder how much trouble I should take to fix this. It bothers me, so I will fix it.

Ninjas are tempting.

But Ninjas are lazy writing.

So I will continue to work through things on the play. Being involved with the last show at the community theatre really helped me put some things in perspective with A DEATH IN THE FAMILY, specifically, when it comes to cutting things. The show was a good idea in theory, not so much in execution. The actors were great, but there were some parts of the play that just didn't work. There were some really overwritten and over thought jokes that would work better if they weren't so labored over. Sometimes the funniest stuff, at least for me, just comes out of no where and is spontaneous. So working on the light board for the show really assisted my writing, for which I am very glad.

Ninjas. I wish they weren't lazy writing and they actually made sense in the play!

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